About me and this website
Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the crumbling facade of an old city wall? Or perhaps you’ve been curious about the fate of that abandoned hospital, left to decay over the years? If you appreciate the beauty of nature reclaiming forgotten urban spaces, then you’re the perfect urban explorer.

Welcome to urbex.nl, where captivating photography meets historical intrigue. Join me on a journey through Europe’s abandoned places, where each frame tells a story of forgotten lives, faded grandeur, and the inexorable passage of time. Let’s celebrate the allure of decay and the resilience of nature in our urban world.
Explore, discover, and find inspiration here!
Feel free to reach out, I’ll respond as swiftly as possible!
📧 Email: info[at]urbex.nl
🌐 Languages: Dutch and English
Important Note: Please refrain from asking for specific locations. To protect the integrity of these hidden places, I won’t disclose any additional details beyond what’s already on my map. Additionally, I am not affiliated with any of the locations featured on this website, so I cannot provide contact information related to them.
Thank you for understanding, and happy exploring!
Frequently asked questions
Urbex, short for urban exploration, is the exploration of abandoned and forgotten places of the manmade environment. Places can include amusement parks, factories, houses, fallout shelters, sanatoriums, asylums, schools, and power plants.
Photography plays a large role in the popularity of the hobby, but historical documentation has also become a factor as urban landscapes change ever more quickly over time.
Most of the places accessed during urban exploration are restricted, which means that explorers are trespassing and could be prosecuted. I will never cause any damage in order to gain access to a property. I will only ever use existing access points. You be surprised how many times I enter a location through the main door. If there is no open access point available, I will simply move on.
If you want to stay safe, you can also visit legal locations. Read here how to find those.
Read this article, I hope that helps.
My name is Andre Joosse, born in 1975 in my hometown Goes. I’m a firefighter and a freelance photographer. As a child, I always had the interest for industrial photography. Ever since my first visit to an abandoned shipyard near my home, the adrenaline rush didn’t stop. Almost weekly I pack my camera gear to get out and visit the abandoned world.
This website is my solo project, there are no guest posts. So all the photos on this website are taken by me. Also check my other websites AndreJoosse.nl, Chernobyl.one and Popshot.nl, a site about live music photography.
The small historic photos shown aside the text are photos found on the internet. If you own copyright, please send me a message and i will give you credit.
I use Nikon cameras and lenses. Check out this article to read more about the gear I use during an exploration.
You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, VK, and Twitter. Click the logo’s in the footer of this site to follow me.
Feel free to email or message me. You can contact me here. Or contact me by social media like Facebook.
Please don’t ask for locations, if it’s not on my map, I won’t tell you where it is.
No! In order to safeguard the locations, I don’t share or swap with other photographers (I never met).
Today locations are traded, swapped, shared and even sold! It seems like the true essence of ‘exploring’ seems to have been lost. Because of this, I’ve seen locations that were abandoned years ago, turned into a ruin within a few months.
I travel alone, but it’s always nice to meet new people. Drop me a message with your ideas and I let you know. I don’t take film students on a trip, sorry, but I get offers almost weekly.
My photos may not be copied, reprinted, published, hosted or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit written permission. You can contact me here.
You can use the texts on this website without permission. If you do, please add my website as a source.
Privacy policy
This is the Privacy Policy of this website, urbex.nl, a personal hobby project owned by Andre Joosse. No personal information or anything visitor specific is tracked.