Beelitz-Heilstätten Frauen Lungenheilstätte
The ‘Beelitz-Heilstätten Frauen Lungenheilstätte’ is a German lung hospital. It was built between 1898 and 1930 in forests around Beelitz. The site is huge and was one of the biggest hospitals of its kind. The site was divided in two parts; this health resort, north of the rail racks and a sanatorium at the south side.

Both parts of Beelitz-Heilstätten had separate buildings for man and for woman. These photos are taken in the woman lung health resort. Also the kitchen and washing buildings were situated near this resort. It was built in 1898 and in 1905, in a second building phase, new buildings were added to house more patients.
During the Second World War some buildings were damaged by the war. Until today visible proof of the destruction is the still existing ruin of the large health-resort for women built in 1905. In 1945, Beelitz-Heilstätten was occupied by Soviet forces, and the complex remained a Soviet military hospital until 1995, well after the German reunification. I took these photos of the ‘Beelitz-Heilstätten Frauen Lungenheilstätte’ in 2008. Today you can visit the site legally.