Fabrica de Hárina de Pantoja
‘Fabrica de Hárina de Pantoja’ is an abandoned flour mill in Spain. The mill is designed by architect D. Álvaro González Saz.
The mill was built in 1921 in a Neo-Mudéjar style. The first company that produced floor here was named ‘La Harinera de La Sagra’. At that time, the factory was able to produce 40 thousand kilos of flour. In June 1930, only 9 years after its inauguration, the company is sold.
There used to be a railroad track on the site. Not only cargo trains bringing raw materials and taking the processed flour, also a passenger rain passed the site. The old station, just behind the mill, is squatted by gypsies. The station operated from 1904 until 1984.
Today the old mill is abandoned and empty. Only one kind of spiral transport ramp that connects two floors is preserved. In reality, the interior of the building has been totally looted and, much of its upper floor, burned down. Also, floors are missing and for safety the doors and windows are boarded. The owner, roof-tile factory ‘Cerámicas La Oliva’ has no future plans for the building. I visited the abandoned flour mill in 2012.