Kliniek St. Maria
This old abandoned clinic was originally used as a hospital. In summary, ‘Kliniek St. Maria’ was the local catholic hospital of the city Poperinge in Belgium.

The hospital moved out in 1984 and the building was abandoned. But not for long. In fact, in 1985, many elderly residents from ‘Tehuis Heilig Hart‘ were housed in the empty building of the St. Maria Hospital for the time being. The old nursery home, situated in another part of Poperinge, had to close because of new fire safety rules. In the end, the elderly stayed in St. Maria for more than 10 years.
Eventually, in February 1999, the residents were able to move into a new rest home. As a result, this old hospital was abandoned again. Later in 2008 the old hospital building was reconverted into 41 apartments. I visited the abandoned buildings of ‘Kliniek St. Maria’ in 2006.