TU Delft: Natuurkunde, Elektrotechniek en Technische Physica
This old ‘Polytechnische School’, a technical academy was founded in 1842. In 1905 it earned the name University and is now known as ‘TU Delft’, the Delft University of Technology.
These are the old Electrotechnology and Physics buildings built by architect Van Lokhorst. In 1930 the Phyics department moved to another building. In 1998 the buildings were abandoned by the University. During our visit, one wing housed some anti-squad people that have their home there, but most of the buildings were still deserted and in decay. Today the buildings have been reconverted to dorms.
Technische Physica
Another building on the campus was built in 1930 as ‘Laboratorium voor Technische Physica’ or the ‘Department of Technical Physics’ of the Delft University of Technology. During our visit the site was being reconverted. After the university left the buildings it was temporarily used by small businesses. But in 2008 the building was abandoned again and workmen started. We had a change to slip inside just before the old lecture halls were demolished. Six months later the building was transformed into a dorm for students of the University that once owned this building.
These photos of the ‘Natuurkunde, Elektrotechniek and Technische Physica’ departments of ‘TU Delft’ were taken in 2008. Also check this abandoned university in Belgium.